Wired Broadband, Inc.

Information, ideas, action items, best practices, and support for Safe Technology advocates.

Tomorrow's Agenda

Published: Thu, 01/06/22

Hi again, - Here is the agenda for tomorrow's National Call for Safe Technology at 1pm EST/10am PST: CLICK HERE register for the call. *After…

Register for Friday's Call!

Published: Tue, 01/04/22

Hello, Happy New Year - we hope you had a great break! We're resuming the National Calls for Safe Technology this Friday, January 7th at 1pm EST/10am…

12/17 Follow Up

Published: Mon, 12/20/21

Hi, Another great Friday call in the books! Here is the replay of the Friday, December 17th National Call for Safe Technology:…

Quick Announcement & Tomorrow's Agenda

Published: Thu, 12/16/21

Hi again, - Today at 12pm EST/9am PST, the National Health Federation is holding their monthly call and Dafna Tachover from We Are the Evidence and…

So much happening this week!

Published: Tue, 12/14/21

Hi, We've got an email full of online events happening and a couple pieces of news for you! First, if you haven't registered for this Friday's…

No National Call Today

Published: Fri, 12/10/21

Hi, We're just writing to let you know there will be no National Call for Safe Technology today. However, we will be sending an email within the ne t…

12/3 Call Follow Up! Get ready...

Published: Tue, 12/07/21

Hi We just wanted to start this email by saying how grateful we are for you. Thank you for the these Friday discussions, partaking in an open e change…

Doubleheader TOMORROW

Published: Mon, 12/06/21

Hi - Normally you'd be getting the follow up email from Friday's National Call for Safe Technology, however it's been preempted by an important…

Internet of...Oceans??

Published: Thu, 12/02/21

Hi again, - We'll keep this brief. Just sending a reminder: tomorrow's National Call for Safe Technology is at 1pm EST/10am PST and Kate Kheel will be…

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