Wired Broadband, Inc.

Information, ideas, action items, best practices, and support for Safe Technology advocates.

The National Call Agenda 12-1-23

Published: Fri, 12/01/23

Hi, Please see the attached agenda for this week's National Call for Safe Technology at 1pm EST/10am PST today. If you haven't already registered, you…

Published: Wed, 11/29/23

Hi, We hope you had a good holiday and are having a nice week! Here is the ink to this Friday's National Call for Safe Technology at 1pm EST/10am PST:…

11/10/23 Agenda

Published: Fri, 11/10/23

Hi, Please see the attached agenda for this week's National Call for Safe Technology at 1pm EST/10am PST today. If you haven't already registered, you…

11/10/23 Registration + MORE

Published: Wed, 11/08/23

Hi, First of all, I (Jenny) would like to ask that you join me in wishing Odette a very Happy Birthday today! We are lucky to have such a dedicated…

10/27 Minutes + More

Published: Fri, 11/03/23

Hi, Here is the recording from the October 27th National Call for Safe Technology: https://youtu.be/IiNVE-5LCTA Due to time constraints, future…

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