Wired Broadband, Inc.

Information, ideas, action items, best practices, and support for Safe Technology advocates.

Published: Tue, 08/23/22

Hi Event before Friday's call -- Dr. Ron Brown's seminar, Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022 7pm EST (see attached): Mobile phones, cell towers and WiFi: What we…

8/12 National Call Follow Up

Published: Mon, 08/15/22

Hi We had a great meeting and here's a summary. Also, we're trying out a new look -- hope you like it! What we did at the meeting of August 12th See…

Updated Agenda for Today

Published: Fri, 08/12/22

Hi, We're just dropping in one more time to give you an updated agenda (attached) for today's National Call for Safe Technology at 1pm EST/10am PST.If…

Published: Wed, 08/10/22

Hi, Just a quick email with the registration link and agenda for this Friday's National Call for Safe Technology at 1pm EST/10am PST!You can register…

Who can join us?

Published: Mon, 08/08/22

Hi, As we are all becoming more organized as a group, we can further increase our effectiveness by seeing if other groups would like to join in our…

7/29 Follow Up

Published: Tue, 08/02/22

Hi, Here is the follow up email for Friday, July 29th's National Call for Safe Technology. If you'd like to see the recording, you can do so here:…

Woops! Agenda is now Attached

Published: Fri, 07/29/22

Hi - It was pointed out to us that the last email we sent was a little *too* short and sweet, as we forgot to attach the agenda! We've checked and…

Revised Agenda for 7/29

Published: Thu, 07/28/22

Hi again, - We're going to keep this short and sweet: There have been a couple revisions to Friday's agenda, so we've attached the latest version to…

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