Wired Broadband, Inc.

Information, ideas, action items, best practices, and support for Safe Technology advocates.

Action Alert: New Lebanon, NY - Telecom Code

Published: Mon, 03/06/23

Hi, Tonight we have an Action Alert from Michael Muadin of The Alliance for Microwave Radiation Accountability (AMRA). We've copy and pasted Michael's…

Today's Agenda

Published: Fri, 03/03/23

Hi, Please see the attached agenda for today's National Call for Safe Technology at 1pm EST/10am PST. If you haven't registered - you can still do so…

Published: Wed, 03/01/23

Hi, Here is the registration link for this Friday's National Call for Safe Technology at 1pm EST/10am PST:…

2/17 Follow Up

Published: Wed, 02/22/23

Hi Here is a replay of the National Call for Safe Technology from Friday, February 17th: https://youtu.be/-bqozrzJ9SU ACTION ITEMS / EVENTS / UPDATES…

Today's Agenda

Published: Fri, 02/17/23

Hi, Please see the attached agenda for today's National Call for Safe Technology at 1pm EST/10am PST. In case you haven't registered yet, here is the…

Pittsfield Hearing TOMORROW

Published: Mon, 02/13/23

Hi, Here is information for tomorrow's hearing for Pittsfield resident and counsel legal action v Verizon et al. will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb.

2/3 Follow Up

Published: Thu, 02/09/23

Hi, Here is the replay of the 2/3 National Call for Safe Technology: https://youtu.be/zbdMeDPFHS0 ACTION ITEMS / EVENTS / UPDATES Please see attached…

Today's Agenda

Published: Fri, 02/03/23

Hi, We know it's a little last minute, but here is the agenda for today's National Call for Safe Technology at 1pm EST/10am PST. (see attached) And…

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