Wired Broadband, Inc.

Information, ideas, action items, best practices, and support for Safe Technology advocates.

3/17 Follow Up

Published: Thu, 03/23/23

Hi, Well, it's taken nearly a week, but here is the follow up call for the last National Call for Safe Technology which took place March 17, 2023.

Today's Agenda!

Published: Fri, 03/17/23

Hi We know it's last minute, please see today's agenda (attached). And it's not too late to register for the National Call for Safe Technology that is…


Published: Fri, 03/10/23

Hi Good morning, we are starting out the day with a retraction. Last night we sent an email regarding sign-ons to an amicus brief written by the…

3/3 Follow Up

Published: Thu, 03/09/23

Hi, View the replay of the Friday, March 8th National Call for Safe Technology here: https://youtu.be/c 1Sd00DF0Y ACTION ITEMS / EVENTS / UPDATES…


Published: Thu, 03/09/23

Hi, We are emailing you tonight with a time sensitive request from Children's Health Defense. Please see the email below from Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia…

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