Wired Broadband, Inc.

Information, ideas, action items, best practices, and support for Safe Technology advocates.

Follow Up from 11/19!

Published: Mon, 11/22/21

Hi, Happy Monday! We're following up on the Friday, November 19th National Call for Safe Technology with tons of great info and some action items.

Register for Tomorrow's Call!

Published: Thu, 11/18/21

Hi Hope you're having a great week! We're just popping in to give you the registration link, agenda, and information for tomorrow's National Call for…

OR Senate Meeting & Follow Up from 11/12

Published: Mon, 11/15/21

Hello - Hope you've had a fantastic start to your week! We are going to get into follow up from the Friday, November 12th National Conference Call,…

Follow Up from 11/5 Call!

Published: Tue, 11/09/21

Hi - We hope you're having a great week! Here is the link to a video of the Friday, November 5th National Call for Safe Technology:…

Tomorrow's National Call Agenda

Published: Thu, 11/04/21

Hi again, Here is the agenda for the National Call for Safe Technology tomorrow at 1pm EDT/10am PDT. You can register for tomorrow's call by clicking…

Published: Tue, 11/02/21

Hi, We hope your week is off to a great start. We just wanted to let you know the time of Friday's call has changed to 1pm EDT/10am PDT. You can…

No National Call This Week

Published: Fri, 10/29/21

Hi It's hard to believe it's Friday already! Has this week gone by in a blink for you too? We're emailing to let you know there will be no National…

Woah! So Much Great Info...

Published: Tue, 10/26/21

Hi - We're following up on the National Call for Safe Technology from Friday, October 22nd, so grab your favorite beverage and make yourself comfy…

Last Minute Info for Today's Call

Published: Fri, 10/22/21

Hi We've attached a "how to" sheet for you to view during today's National Conference Call for Safe Technology at 2:30pm EDT/11:30am PDT. Odette will…

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